Academic relevance means the research contributes to on-going academic discussions and debates on relevant topics in operations management. All manuscripts published in JOM must, in one way or another, also transcend the immediate empirical context in which the research is embedded. An ideal manuscript is one that simultaneously takes the context seriously (is empirically disciplined) and seeks some sense of generality.

Practical relevance means the manuscript links explicitly to an actual, relevant managerial challenge. While manuscripts published in JOM do not necessarily have to give advice to managers, they must have something non-obvious to say about the practice of operations management. In preparing your manuscript, ask yourself: Do I think I could keep a manager interested in talking about my research for an hour? What would I say, what would I argue? (please see the editorial Holding North)

An ideal manuscript balances rigor with relevance and offers a novel aspect to a topic of contemporary concern. Novelty does not necessarily mean focusing on emerging phenomena, novel approaches to examinations of established phenomena are equally interesting and relevant.

Online ISSN: 1873-1317    2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate): 42/227 Management (SSCI) &

9/86 Operations Research & Management Science (SCIE)


JOM is first and foremost an academic journal where OM scholars push the boundaries of knowledge by rigorous, original research. Our readership is similarly by and large academic, although we also encourage work that garners the practitioner's attention. We do not, however, publish manuscripts whose primary audience is the practitioner; academic relevance is always a necessary condition.

Aims and Scope

JOM's distinctive emphasis is on the management of operations: manufacturing operations, service operations, supply chain operations, et cetera (please see Holding North). The scope encompasses both for-profit and non-profit operations. Whatever the topic and context, operations must be at the heart of the research question, not just in the context. For example, work on charismatic leadership at a manufacturing plant is within the scope only if the research question links clearly to the management of operations (the vast majority of work on charismatic leadership does not); the fact that the empirical context is manufacturing does not constitute a sufficient condition. Papers published in JOM must be about operations management, and they have to link to authentic practical operational questions and challenges. This does not mean all work must be motivated by practical considerations, it means the link to practice must be credible, and something that is considered at the outset of the research endeavor, not merely as an implication. Authors cannot simply assume or declare that knowledge produced strictly for academic purposes can be "translated" or "implemented" to make it practically relevant.

While encourage primarily empirical research that is grounded in relevant operations management problems, we express no favoritism towards any specific methodology or epistemology. We encourage diversity both in terms of theoretical foundations and empirical approaches. On methodological matters, the key considerations are rigor and fit: Is the work methodologically transparent? Do the claims plausibly follow from the premises? Is there a fit between the research question and the methodology used? All these questions are agnostic to the kind of methodology used or the epistemological foundation embraced. Non-empirical work is not categorically excluded from consideration, but because demonstrating both academic and practical relevance is difficult in typical conceptual work (e.g., literature reviews, theory development), we invite prospective authors to focus on empirical submissions. 

Prior to development and submission, authors are encouraged to take into consideration best practices as outlined in our continuously evolving method-specific discussions (several of which are listed below), and should carefully take into account the specific missions articulated by the departments (see Editorials link above). We also welcome empirically-grounded analytic models, the guidelines for which can be found here.

Research Article SUBMISSION STEPS:

We are an Empirical OM outlet: Read above and see recent editorials

Not a link above. Simply see the Selection of Key Contemporary

Methods Discussions in JOM:

 Is your work a Fit to Departmental Mission and Call?

SHARED POLICIES on AI USAGE in Manuscript Development

ANONYMITY: All files must be stripped of identifiers. Submissions may be rejected for consideration if authors fail to do so (see how)

If you are not familiar with the existing work in JOM, relating to your research interested, delve into that body of work using the JOM-Spotlight tool.

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Recent Award Winners

2024 Jack Meredith Paper Award Winner

▪️ Rebekah Brau, John Aloysius, Enno Siemsen (2023), "Demand Planning for the Digital Supply Chain" 69(6): 965-982.

2024 Finalists

▪️ Ji Chen, Yifan Xu, Peiwen Yu, Jun Zhang (2023) “A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Hotel Revenue Management with Evidence from Field Experiments 69(7): 1176-1201.

▪️ Kyungmin (Brad) Lee, Marcus A. Bellamy, Nitin R. Joglekar (2023) “Distributed Service with Proximal Capacity and Pricing on a Two-sided Sharing Economy Platform 69(5): 742-763.

▪️ Moren Lévesque, Annapoornima M. Subramanian, Vareska Van De Vrande (2023) “The Inseparable Two: Impact of Prior Success and Failure on New Product Development Project Discontinuation 69(2): 305-336.

▪️ Yuan Li, Xincheng Wang, Tianyu Gong, Haifeng Wang (2023) “Breaking out of the Pandemic: How Can Firms Match Internal Competence with External Resources to Shape Operational Resilience? 69(3): 384-403.

2024 JOM Ambassador Paper Award Winner

▪️ Kang Zhao, Zhiya Zuo, Jennifer V. Blackhurst (2019) Modelling Supply Chain Adaptation for Disruptions: An Empirically Grounded Complex Adaptive Systems Approach65(2): 190-212

2024 Industry Studies Ralph Gomory Award

▪️ Daniel Samson, Morgan Swink (2023) “People, performance and transition: A case study of psychological contract and stakeholder orientation in the Toyota Australia plant closure” 69(1), 67-101. 

2023 Industry Studies Ralph Gomory Award

▪️ Jordana George, Dwayne Whitten, Richard Metters, & James Abbey (2022) Emancipatory Technology and Developing-World Supply Chains: A Case Study of African Women Gemstone Miners” 68(6-7), 619-648. 

JOM 2024 AE Service Award

Winners: Howard Chuang and Kaitlin Wowak

Honorable Mention: Mark Frohlich

JOM 2024 Reviewer Service Award

Winner: Yuanzhu Zhan (promoted to JOM AE)

Honorable Mentions: Han Kyul Oh, Justin Kistler, Seongkyoon Jeong